The Packers 2022 Draft Challenge Results

Every year, I run a Packers Fan Draft Challenge.

I always post who I would have picked at each spot, but I also invite everyone else to join in on the fun. Then, I publish it all here, so you (and the world) can follow how you would have done.

The exercise has always helped me better understand and appreciate the draft, but more than anything, it’s just fun.

This year, two brave souls participated for the first round, making their picks in real time based on who was available. The only rule was they had to submit their pick before Packers announced who they selected.

Here’s how it worked out:

Steve Zeng (@Stevo36z):

  • George Pickens
  • George Karlaftis

Randy (@greengold4life)

  • Devonte Wyatt
  • Christian Watson

Steve went with George’s for each pick in the first round and Randy amazingly took two Packers selections, each one slot earlier – that has to be a good sign!

These are picks that I think really fit based on where the Packers were and I look forward to seeing how they unfold. No offense to Steve, but I really hope Randy’s picks work out better!


Want to learn more about NFL Draft Strategy!?

Want more insight into how winning teams build through the draft (and how losing teams fail)? We’ve got you covered!

Start shallow, then get deep into understanding draft strategy with our draft book (rated a #1 New Release): A Fan’s Guide To Understanding The NFL Draft: Strategies, Tactics, And Case Studies For Building A Professional Football Team

Then jump into free agency with another #1 New Release: A Fan’s Guide To NFL Free Agency Hits and Misses to better understand this critical part of the NFL offseason and see where teams have found (or missed) success in this critical component of team-building.

Finally, get to the game behind the game with our new must-have book for 2021: A Fan’s Guide To Understanding The NFL Salary Cap – which lays out detailed, easy-to-follow scenarios to explain exactly how contract structures and salary cap rules impact teams.

All these great books  are available in ebook and paperback – and free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers!

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Don’t just watch the draft – understand it and learn why GMs make the moves they do.



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1 thought on “The Packers 2022 Draft Challenge Results”

  1. At this point I do too. Still would’ve rathered have Karlaftis, but Pickens v Watson is a toss up to me. I like both.

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