Newsflash: Christine Michael Wasn’t All That Great

Running back is a big uncertainty for Green Bay this offseason. Ty started to show something last year, as did Rip (until he learned how to fumble), but Starks is gone and Lacy is a free agent. Also, don’t forget John Crockett and Don Jackson are a couple guys with potential sitting on IR.

But every time someone writes or talks about the running back situation, they get all saucer-eyed and bag of chips over Christine Michael.


I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but outside of running through a crease and having a guy slip off him for a long touchdown against the Bears (for crying out loud) and their 26th ranked run defense, he did jack sh!t except miss holes, plow into his blockers, and run backwards like he was Walter Stanley.

Ok, so he was on Seattle and put up some yards, but the ‘Hawks were out of backs and still cut him. Then, the Browns, the 9ers and every other pathetic sad sack team at the top of the waiver order was all “no thanks.” We pick him, fans high five, and haven’t stopped blabbering about him since.

Take away his one nice run and he had 30 carries for 72 yards – that’s 2.4 yards per carry, that’s James Starks territory. Heck, our 5th wide receiver averaged 5.9 ypc and Yukon Ripkowksi (a fullback!) had 4.4!

Remind my why everyone’s so excited about Christine Michael. I don’t get it.


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